TalosCon 2024

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We have three conversations from TalosCon 2024.

Vincent Behar & Louis Fradin from Ubisoft tell us how how they are building the next generation of game servers on Kubernetes. Recorded in a coffee shop.

We catch up with David Flanagan on the AI stack that he had success with in the context of rawkode.academy. David also tells us the full story behind his office burning down earlier this year. Recorded in the hallway track.

As for the last conversation, Gerhard finally gets together with Justin Garrison in person. They talked about TalosCon, some of the reasons behind users migrating off Cloud, and why Kubernetes & Talos hold a special place in their minds. Recorded in the workshop cinema room.

  • (00:00) - Intro
  • (00:52) - Vincent + Louis: Cinema conference talk
  • (02:09) - Vincent + Louis: What do you do?
  • (03:06) - Vincent + Louis: How do you split work?
  • (04:58) - Vincent + Louis: Game servers on Kubernetes
  • (08:07) - Vincent + Louis: What made you choose Omni & Talos?
  • (11:14) - Vincent + Louis: What could be better about them?
  • (12:58) - Vincent + Louis: Tell us about your talk
  • (16:50) - Vincent + Louis: What if Omni didn't exist?
  • (18:11) - Vincent + Louis: Last takeaway for the listeners
  • (18:53) - David: What is your AI stack for creating content?
  • (20:31) - David: Can AI guide me through running OCR on a video?
  • (21:18) - David: Which AI tools worked best for you?
  • (23:09) - David: Any nice AI tools which are worth mentioning?
  • (24:20) - David: My office went on fire in March
  • (26:13) - David: Which Linux distro do you use?
  • (27:18) - David: The extended version behind the office fire
  • (30:37) - David: What are you looking forward to?
  • (33:07) - David: What tech stack runs rawkode.academy?
  • (38:44) - Justin: Finally meeting in person!
  • (39:13) - Justin: What was your contribution to TalosCon 2024?
  • (41:21) - Justin: What would you improve for next time?
  • (43:59) - Justin: What did you love about this conference?
  • (46:00) - Justin: Help us visualize the venue
  • (47:16) - Justin: What are you thinking for the next TalosCon?
  • (49:22) - Justin: What is most interesting for you in Talos & Omni?
  • (55:25) - Justin: What is missing?
  • (01:00:25) - Justin: How do you see the growing discontent with the Cloud & Kubernetes?
  • (01:07:55) - Justin: What are your takeaways from TalosCon 2024?
TalosCon 2024
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