All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 in total
Keep Alert Chaos in Check
Today we talk with Matvey Kukuy and Tal Borenstein, co-founders of Keep, a startup focused on helping companies manage and make sense of their alert systems. The discu...

Let's build a CDN - Part 2
This is a follow-up to Let's build a CDN - Part 1A new friend joins us. We talk about the high-level, including why Varnish and why we are doing this in the first plac...

Move fast & break nothing
This is the audio version of 🎬 Ninjastructure - Move fast & break nothingMatias Pan, a professional maté drinker & Senior Software Engineer at Dagger, is showing us an...

TalosCon 2024
We have 3 conversations from TalosCon 2024:1. Vincent Behar & Louis Fradin from Ubisoft tell us how how they are building the next generation of game servers on Kubern...

Access your Kubernetes pods anywhere
How does Michal Kuratczyk, Staff Software Engineer at RabbitMQ, access Kubernetes workloads securely, from anywhere? Regardless whether it's a Google Kubernetes Engine...

Modern CI/CD - Part 1
What does it look like to build a modern CI/CD pipeline from scratch in 2024? While many of you would pick GitHub Actions and be done with it, how do you run it locall...

Let's build a CDN - Part 1
This started as a conversation between James A Rosen & Gerhard in August 2023. Several months later, it evolved into a few epic pairing sessions captured in these GitH...

KubeCon EU 2024
For our 4th episode, we have four conversations from KubeCon EU 2024.We talk to Jesse Suen about Argo CD & Kargo, Solomon Hykes shares the next evolution of Dagger, an...

80ms response SLO
Alex Sims, Solutions Architect & Sr. Software Engineer at James and James Fulfilment, talks about their journey to 80ms response SLO with PHP & React.Alex shares how t...

Automation Engine
Today we delve into BuildKit and Dagger, focusing on their significance in the development and deployment of containerized applications, as well as Kubernetes integrat...

How much CPU & Memory?
This episode looks into the observability tool Parca & Polar Signals Cloud with Frederic Branczyk and Thor Hansen. We discuss experiences and discoveries using Parca f...